#3 - FREE - Enjoy! - Single Page Password Protection for Framer


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I'm not working with framer anymore so I decided to make this product free (originally $39) - All existing customers are still supported - For any support question paid customers can email me at [email protected]

With this code override you can password protect individual pages in framer. You can even apply it to specific layers on the page instead of hiding the the page itself. A password input form will be displayed on the hidden page or element. The password is hashed using BCrypt and the input is validated against the hash, if a validation is made the content is shown.

The content will be hidden from the HTML as well and replaced with a form so someone trying to inspect element wont find your content from the HTML source. We provide you with two overrides, one that remembers that a password has been validated and unlock the page on subsequent requests, and another version that asks for the password each time the page is accessed.

DEMO (Locked page): https://lime-nonogon-318469.framer.app

DEMO (Locked Layer): https://lime-nonogon-318469.framer.app/locked-content


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